Some of you may not be aware of how he rose through the ranks from the Mixing and Press Room Supervisor, QA Manager, Sales Engineer, V.P. of Engineering, V.P. of Sales and Engineering to his current position of President of Du-Co. He makes it a point to bring this to the attention of new hires to demonstrate just how ripe for opportunity Du-Co really is. Tom has an open door policy and welcomes feedback and questions. He fosters respect from all with his ability to get into the trenches. He can often be found on the plant floor tracking down information, working with the supervisors or pitching in when they are out. Tom is instrumental in the running of Du-Co but will be the first one to ask for input from colleagues in order to collaborate and bring about a decision that is in the best interest of Du-Co. Please take a moment when you see Tom in the next few weeks to congratulate him on his 30 years with Du-Co. Thank you Tom for all your hard work, the behind the scenes tasks, the weekends, evenings and other innumerable ways that you have and continue to strive to improve and build on the wonderful legacy of Du-Co Ceramics.

Please join with us as a company and celebrate as Thomas Arbanas the President of Du-Co celebrates 30 years with the company!
Posted in News, Recent News & Updates.